Ownable Scs Chemic Tanker Trailer 1.36.X



Ownable SCS Chemical Tanker Trailer – This modern makes the SCS Chemical Tanker trailers ownable together with working amongst the cargo market.

Features modern Ownable SCS Chemical Tanker Trailer:

– Standalone

– Changeable wheels

– Skinnable

– Trailers convey been re-UV mapped

– Long Tanker has been given a front end cycle hookup for the steer axle (for roughly argue SCS gave it a nurture cycle hookup together with hence seat an LOD model for a front end cycle on it).

– Moved the trailer claw frontwards because for roughly argue when SCS added trailer cables, they didn’t update this model to hold upwards able to clear the airline stand upwards on sure as shooting trucks.

– Clean gamelog.

Templates inward .psd .png together with .dds formats are included inward the primary directory of the modern files. Please brand sure as shooting to read the particular banknote on the template regarding skinning together with the long tanker. If you lot convey never created a peel exterior of ets2studios or ats studios, I recommend watching tutorials on youtube, or having individual assistance you.

Template files (.sii, .tobj, .mat) convey too been included to repose the file making process. Simply create a re-create of all the template files together with hence modify the cite of them to any you lot similar together with modify “template” within the files to match.

The trailer volition demo upwards inward the dealer amongst the cite “tn_chassis” because of the fact that I made it standalone. There is a means to grade it the proper name, but I merely practice non know how together with something equally minor equally that was non worth delaying this modern for.


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